About The United List

On behalf of “The United List” committee, we will be providing information on this website concerning the slate of United List endorsed candidates for election at the LCMS 2023 convention.  Since 1992, the committee that produces The United List has been composed of representatives from various independent organizations of Missouri Synod Lutherans who fully support the official doctrine and practice of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.

Our intent is not to belittle the qualifications of any candidate not endorsed, nor to cast aspersions on the hard work of the Committee for Convention Nominations. We offer this list in order to help congregations and delegates make informed choices that will be for the greatest benefit of our beloved synod.  If you are concerned about having faithful Lutheran leaders in the church, we hope you will take these suggestions into consideration, from a group that has a proven track record in suggesting good quality leaders for the Synod.